Seek Balance

“Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. 
Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks.” 

As you travel this site, click here to play some classical music to serf by, if so inclined. 

Study Smarter Not Harder

Below are some of my favorite links for study tips. Take the time to investigate these sites. It may seem like too much effort now but in the long run effective studying techniques save a lot of time! Let’s face it, we all want more time to recreate and effective studying will help.

Take Time to De-Stress

There never seems to be enough time to care for yourself. School, work and home life provides most of us with more than enough to deal with and we neglect ourselves…DON’T. You owe it to yourself to care for yourself, check out some of my favorite links below. New link to TEST Anxiety if you are interested in learning more on it.

Need Help? Get it!

All of us need help at some time. Whether the help is a simple as a shoulder to cry on or more professional help get it done. There is no shame in admitting to yourself that others can help in time of need. I offer some sites below that may be useful for you.

  1. This site contains tips and a video from a professor on studying techniques.
  2. On this site, you’ll receive tips on how to take effective notes and how to use a journal to improve your writing.
  3. What top students do to get better grades…Ted Talk
  1. Great site to with 20 ways to de-stress….worth the short read.
  2. Another good site worth a look. Some are repeated from above.
  3. Here is a short video how to meditate. You owe it to yourself to give it try. This one is longer but worth looking at.
  1. If you or someone you know needs help. Go to this website for contact numbers for Distress, Health Issues place to get assistance.
  2. Reach out…talk to a friend, teacher or your school counseling department.

balance life“THE THREE DIMENSIONS OF A COMPLETE LIFE” The Length of Life, as we shall use it, is not its duration, not its longevity. It is rather the push of a life forward to its personal ends and ambitions. It is the inward concern for one’s personal welfare. The Breadth of Life is the outward concern for the welfare of others. The Height of Life is the upward reach toward God. These are the three dimensions of life, and, without the due development of all, no life becomes complete. Life at its best is a great triangle. At one angle stands the individual person, at the other angle stands other persons, and at the tip top stands God. Unless these three are concatenated, working harmoniously together in a single life, that life is incomplete. (Draw a triangle: On top point write, Spirituality; on bottom left point, write loving others and right point, write loving yourself, this is what it means to have the proper balance of Love which centres the triangle) 
From sermon delivered at Dexter, January 24, Martin Luther King 1954

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